Mining cryptocurrencies through the equipment of users without their consent is known as cryptojacking. This concept comes from the words “crypto” (cryptography) and “hijacking”. In computer science, these concepts aren’t... read more →
Cristina Carrascosa is the only Spanish woman chosen to be part of the Observatory and Blockchain forum of the European Union. As a lawyer, her mission in this working group... read more →
Logging onto any of your social networks or services on the Internet; putting the correct username and password and finding access denied because someone has changed your key is the... read more →
Let’s get to the point. We can say that no one forgets their electronic devices when it’s time to take a vacation. Actually, it doesn’t matter if it’s a business... read more →
Several weeks have passed since the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal came to the fore. This matter is considered as the biggest violation of privacy in the history of the... read more →