Cybersecurity Guide for Dummies

How do you protect yourself from cyberattacks?
We explain how without rocket science

Do you use the internet every day?

You never know if when cyberattack, security failure, or data theft would happen to you.

The reality is that these things happen, and you may not know how to avoid becoming a victim.

Open Data Security’s 34-paged guide will change the way you use your devices today.

  • The internet can be big and scary
    The Open Web is wonderful for you, but also wonderful for cybercriminals to camp. Discover who they are and the techniques they use to steal your information.
  • Your home is not big and scary
    Your house is suppose to be a safe place for you to be in. Read about what action to take to prevent your devices from getting infected.
  • You’re vulnerable at work
    Does your workplace operate on devices with internet connection?
    Learn why you’ll always be a target for cybercriminals, and how to prevent a disaster from happening in your company.
  • And the worst case scenario…?
    Already a victim of a cyberattack but don’t know what to do?
    Keep your focus on the last part of our Cybersecurity Guide, where we have something very important written there…

How do you protect yourself from cyberattacks?
We explain how without rocket science

Do you use the internet every day?

You never know if when cyberattack, security failure, or data theft would happen to you.

The reality is that these things happen, and you may not know how to avoid becoming a victim.

Open Data Security’s 34-paged guide will change the way you use your devices today.

  • The internet can be big and scary
    The Open Web is wonderful for you, but also wonderful for cybercriminals to camp. Discover who they are and the techniques they use to steal your information.
  • Your home is not big and scary
    Your house is suppose to be a safe place for you to be in. Read about what action to take to prevent your devices from getting infected.
  • You’re vulnerable at work
    Does your workplace operate on devices with internet connection?
    Learn why you’ll always be a target for cybercriminals, and how to prevent a disaster from happening in your company.
  • And the worst case scenario…?
    Already a victim of a cyberattack but don’t know what to do?
    Keep your focus on the last part of our Cybersecurity Guide, where we have something very important written there…